Veronika Wenger 2018
190 x 150 cm, watercolor on paper
De Visserhallen
Ijmuiden NL
May 20 –
June 11
25 artists,
using watercolor as a medium,
in a former tape and cash register factory in tough IJmuiden,
that should make for a beautiful and interesting exhibition!
This group of 25 artists from home and abroad, united under the name Hydrography has been creating international exhibitions in varying combinations since 2013. So this year they are celebrating their 10th anniversary! We will celebrate this together with a large exhibition in De Visserhallen in IJmuiden and with the presentation of a book.
The group is fluid, just like the material these artists work with. In fact, they seek the challenge of using the “traditional” medium of watercolor in a new abstract way. Watercolor or watercolor is pure pigment combined with gum arabic and water. The strength of the color can range from light and transparent to super intense. Each pigment has its own specific gravity so each color behaves differently.
The artists are guided in part by gravity and chance. The paint is the boss, but the artist masters the technique and knows the material. It is a search for the possibilities in order to get to the essence; the purity of material and form.
Expositie Hydrography: 20 mei tot en met 11 juni 2023
Opening: zaterdag 20 mei om 12 uur (inloop vanaf 11 uur) door Iemke van Dijk, mede-initiatiefnemer van de Hydrography-groep, creatief directeur van Stichting EST art foundation en beeldend kunstenaar.
Boekpresentatie en finissage: zondag 11 juni 15:00 uur door Alex de Vries, mede-eigenaar van communicatie bureau/uitgeverij Stern/Den Hartog & De Vries
Openingstijden: zaterdag en zondag van 11-17 uur
Locatie: De Visserhallen, Duinstraat 4, 1975 CD, IJmuiden. Parkeren is gratis
Van harte welkom!